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Mellow - The future of social.


Sustainable Social built on Web3.

Mellow aims to revolutionize the way we connect and interact with our friends and communities. We are building a fun, feature-rich, and economically scalable social finance (SoFi) platform that integrates many aspects of Web3.

Mellow has also introduced fully on-chain NFT utility.

  • Stickers that can be used in chats
  • NFT gated chats
  • Trophies
  • Animated avatars
  • Avatar borders
  • Animated banner images

Full feature list:

  • Twitter style feeds, likes, replies etc. (supports images and videos with automatic compression)
  • Tier system for content, own x,xxx to view posts
  • Follow/unfollow users
  • Chatrooms
    • Gated chatrooms (i.e. own x,xxx keys to get access – currently configurable)
    • Public chatrooms (open for everyone) 
    • Announcement style channels
    • Chatrooms based on position in leaderboard (e.g. top 100 users are all in a chatroom) 
    • NFT gated chatrooms (own an NFT, get access to chatroom i.e. CryptoPunk chatroom) 
  • Chatroom features:
    • Video embedding
    • Emojis + Emoji Reactions
    • Threads
    • Rate limiting + muting
    • Favouriting rooms for organisation
    • Formatting (bold, italic etc)
    • Giphy integration
    • Media uploads (images + videos)
  • Lootboxes with items (fully onchain NFT contracts are done and audited, in the process of deploying) – imagine Steam like profiles but the cosmetics are tradeable NFTs e.g.
    • Stickers that can be used in chats
    • NFT gated chats
    • Trophies
    • Animated avatars
    • Avatar borders
    • Animated banner images
  • Sign in with Ethereum (fully non-custodial login) and Fireblocks integration (fully custodial) 
  • Custom profile images, bios, website links etc. 
  • Mobile app
  • In-app notifications
  • Farming
  • Username/ticker system
  • Leaderboards + new account lists (
  • Holders + holdings pages (e.g.
  • Dark and light mode
  • Mobile app and also desktop friendly
  • Recent trades
  • Price charts (
  • Key signup + referral system (